North Gauteng Mental Health Society Soshanguve block H Social Work Office is situated in Soshanguve block H (place also known as Transfer Medicos). The main aim of the office is to provide Social Work services to individuals, couples, families, mental health care users and statutory services to children in need of care and protection.

In the past years the office has managed to provided services to large number of clients, the services provided includes statutory, mental health cases, crisis intervention, family preservation programmes etc. Through the awareness campaigns the office managed to reach clients where pamphlets were distributed as a form of disseminating information to the community.

Through both the awareness campaigns and foster care awareness that were done, the community have learned a lot including in knowing that children who are orphan, neglected have a right to belong, love or right to stay in a stable loving home like any other child and they have also learned that people with disabilities has a right to be employed. The office envisage to achieve more with regard to the placement of the children in need of care and protection since there are new cases that were reported to the office, some are now awaiting for placement, some were advertised to the newspaper to trace some of the biological parents.

Our office Address

Medicos Centre, 2093
Matlala Street, 0152
Cell: 079 226 7809